Unthinkable with Jay Acunzo

Don't Be Like Mike

Episode Summary

"But my boss." It's the most common objection to doing better work. Today, we find a framework that can help us do the seemingly unthinkable: have an open, honest conversation, rather than avoiding conflict, in order to create consistently great things as an individual and a team. (Featuring Max Yoder, author of Do Better Work, and cofounder/CEO of Lessonly.)

Episode Notes

"But my boss." It's the most common objection to doing better work. Today, we find a framework that can help us do the seemingly unthinkable: have an open, honest conversation, rather than avoiding conflict, in order to create consistently great things as an individual and a team. (Featuring Max Yoder, author of Do Better Work, and cofounder/CEO of Lessonly.)

Max's book: https://www.amazon.com/Do-Better-Work-camaraderie-progress/dp/1732843902/ref=sr_1_1?crid=21EMGCAYEQTIZ&keywords=do+better+work&qid=1558569526&s=books&sprefix=do+bettetr%2Cstripbooks%2C123&sr=1-1

Jay's book: https://www.amazon.com/Break-Wheel-Question-Practices-Intuition/dp/1544501056/


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